I bookmark that thought…
2 min readJul 14, 2021
Here with this blog I have attached some conference talks that I had bookmarked. These are some talks/blogs which made an impact in a way I view software ,testing , leadership. I will make sure to add new items coming my way.
Automation :
- Predictive test selection: A more efficient way to ensure reliability of code changes
- 10 Engineering Challenges Due to the Nature of Mobile Applications
- Redefining test automation | Richard Bradshaw | #SeConfLondon
- Your Tests Aren’t Flaky, You Are! | Richard Bradshaw
- How to Get Automation Included in Your Definition of Done | Angie Jones
- Readable. Stable. Maintainable. E2E Testing @ Facebook | Archit Pal Singh Sachdeva
Leadership / Process /Culture :
- How Culture Impacts Technology Choice: A Review of Netflix’s Use of Microservices
- Steve Jobs Insult Response — Highest Quality
- Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address
- Steve Jobs President & CEO, NeXT Computer Corp and Apple. MIT Sloan Distinguished Speaker Series
- This is What Made Steve Jobs EXCEPTIONAL!
Finance :
- Financial growth for people in engineering roles
- In a rare interview, Kunal Shah talks about building Cred
- Kunal Shah: Find your pot of gold
Testing :
- automation — what bugs me
- Why Good Developers Write Bad Unit Tests
- James Bach: Software testing for Serious people
- James Bach on testing in an agile software development team
- Finding the balance — Trivago’s End-to-End test strategy
Software Development / Software Architecture :
- Monitoring Microservices the Right Way
- Thread Pools
- Master of JavaScript Basic to Advanced-2019
- How to Make Your Code Reviewer Fall in Love with You
- 500 Data Structures and Algorithms practice problems and their solutions
- How to do a code review
- Josh Bloch on Design
- Software Architecture Guide
- Introduction to modern network load balancing and proxying
- Conquering Microservices Complexity Uber with Distributed Tracing
- What is Distributed Caching? Explained with Redis!
- Martin Fowler — Microservices
- Clean Code — Uncle Bob
Have a great day and happy read ❤